Healthcare Acquired Infections and Sanitization with UVC Disinfection System
Contaminated surfaces are ubiquitous! Any public place can have shared surfaces that are touched and infected. While living rooms, shops, and similar places have shared surfaces that are contaminated, hospitals and patient rooms have high-touch surfaces that are profoundly infected with Nosocomial or healthcare-associated infections (HAIs). Disinfecting these dangerous and virulent HAIs is challenging and […]
Ultraviolet Light Disinfection System in the Food Industry
Since the discovery of ultraviolet light disinfection technology, the UV light has been put to conventional use to disinfect water, air, surfaces, equipment, etc. It acts either by inactivating or killing the toxic and dangerous microorganisms like bacteria, viruses, fungi, algae, and protozoa. Why is ultraviolet Light Sanitizer crucial to the food industry? The surface […]
Is It Safe To Use UV Light On Food?
The novel coronavirus responsible for the COVID-10 pandemic continues to spread in many countries, all around the world. On top of this major health problem, we are facing now another challenge: foodborne illnesses. From red onions linked with Salmonella infections to outbreaks related to contaminated fresh lettuce, meat, and fish. According to the FDA, there […]
UV disinfection reduces the transmission of the COVID-19 virus: A comprehensive biologics
The discovery of UVC Light Sanitizer to kill microbes Since its finding in 1878, scientists have been continuously leveraging ultraviolet light applications across industries like Hospitals, Factories, etc. to disinfect or kill the microorganisms. Among multiple applications, the killing of microbes has been evident and backed with enough research studies and experiments. The reason being […]
Applications For UV Light Disinfection In The Food Industry
The food industry had been hugely affected by the current COVID-19 pandemic. Providing essential services, grocery stores remained open, but many of them report have employees that are testing positive for coronavirus. [1] While the COVID-19 pandemic is the biggest concern right now, the food industry is facing yet another challenge: food contamination. The salmonella […]
UV-Light Disinfection is the Road Ahead
The world is struggling right now due to the aftermath of the coronavirus pandemic. With the fatal occurrence that made the whole world feel a blow, many crucial lessons have been learned—especially those on sanitation. Most of us have found ourselves stacking bundles of traditional liquid sanitizers and disinfectants. In a small setup capacity, they […]
UV Light Disinfection For Offices and Commercial Buildings
Thanks to the coronavirus pandemic, ultraviolet (UV) disinfection may become one of the most powerful tools to combat the spread of infections. More and more companies are now taking advantage of this highly effective 100-year-old technology. Let’s take a look at what happens in Toronto, Canada, right now. Big congratulations to Heather Leblanc, vice president, […]
Why do you need an Ultraviolet Light Sanitizer for Your Industrial Kitchen?
Hygiene is the major factor that remains an A-list concern for the hospitality industry and with coronavirus pandemic outspread, hygiene has become more and more important. While high measures are being practiced to ensure safety, going a mile ahead would be beneficial for workers as well as the customers. Investing in the right kind of […]
PXL Sanitizer: UV Light Disinfection for Bacteria and Viruses
The PXL Sanitizer is power-packed with the pulsed UV light to fight viruses and bacteria on surfaces. UV is a scientifically effective disinfectant tool that works well in the air, water, or surfaces, reducing the chances of acquiring infections. The PXL Sanitizer is clinically tested by a third-party laboratory to work wonders in disinfecting surfaces. In the […]
How to use UV irradiation for air disinfection in a healthcare setting
Air disinfection with UV ligh Sanitizer: An inception The first research on assessing ultraviolet light’s effectiveness in killing airborne microorganisms was studied by the researcher William F. Wells in the year 1935. He found that UV light (254nm radiation) was effective against aerosolized B. coli. Since then, many studies have been going to analyze the application of […]