photo by Kelly Sikkema

How UVC Light Can Make Indoor Spaces Safer During The Cold Season

The cold season is just around the corner. Are you prepared for the winter?

Health specialists warn us about a possible intersection of respiratory viruses and possibly facing a “twindemic,”: COVID-19 and seasonal flu.

Have you wonder why we are more likely to catch certain viruses in the winter more than in the summer. There are three main reasons: these viruses are more potent, our immune system is weaker, and we have less exposure to sun rays.

About 200 types of viruses cause colds and flu, and now we have on top of the novel coronavirus Sars-Cov-2. During cold seasons they reproduce more efficiently, and we’ve seen that Sars-Cov-2 started to spread last winter. [1]. The novel coronavirus appears to reproduce best at about 9 degrees Celsius, according to research. As a general rule, the cold and flu season lasts from October to May, with a peak between December and February.

Secondly, your body is under some stress and weaker than usual. While your body adapts quickly to hot temperatures, it takes about four weeks to adjust to cold, and during this time is more comfortable to catch an infection. This year we have even more stress as usual because of the current pandemic, and this stress further weakens the immune system, creates inflammation in the body, and increases your chances to catch an infection. [2]

Thirdly, you spend more time indoors and less time outdoors. When you spend more time indoors, you are not exposed to the sun rays’ which range from infrared to visible to ultraviolet spectrum. Sun rays disinfect and purify the outdoor air. There is a strong correlation between decreased sun exposure and a weaker immune system, which leads to an increased risk of virtual infections. [3] For this reason, doctors recommend a daily walk outside if the weather permits. Not only do you lack exposure to sun rays, but the indoor air is also more polluted. Did you know that the levels of indoor air pollutants are often 2-5 times higher than outdoors, and sometimes even 100 times higher for certain pollutants? [4].

Fast PXL Is The Solution

In addition to the standard hygiene practices and recommendations, Fast PXL is ideal for combatting viral infections.

Fast PXL uses one of the best UVC lamp, based on the advanced UVC light technology called pulsed xenon light. It is as close as it can be to the sun rays, as it contains infrared, visible, and ultraviolet rays. While the highly energetic ultraviolet C sun rays do not reach the Earth, PXL does have the whole spectrum of UVC rays. They are called germicidal because of their strong ability to kill viruses, bacteria, and fungi within seconds to minutes. Fast PXL also helps decrease air pollution. It is one of the best UVC lamps you can buy and an excellent investment in keeping your indoors safe and less polluted.

Safety notes: UVC light devices are used for air, surface, and water disinfection and should be used with safety equipment. Avoid skin or eye contact. Email us today to place your order!

  1. https://www.mdpi.com/2076-0817/9/3/231/htm
  2. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1361287/
  3. https://www.bmj.com/content/356/bmj.i6583
  4. https://www.mana.md/indoor-air-vs-outdoor-air/

*photo by Alisa Anton

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